Here's a brief overview of the courses I'm teaching at EC Nantes
Masters in Engineering
Ingénieur Généraliste
Centrale Nantes trains 420 students per year within its general engineering programme leading to the ‘diplôme d’ingénieur’ equivalent to a Master of Science and Engineering. More details on EC Nantes website
Algorithmics and Programming - ALGOR
Duration: 30h
Lead teacher: Hugues Digonnet
Goals : learn basic algorithms (sorting,…) and structures (linked-lists, trees,…). Learn methods and programming tools, and IT project management using C++
Since 2022: I’m teaching algorithmics tutorial and C++ Labs.
Information systems - SIINF (Since 2025)
Duration : 30h
Lead teacher: Morgan Mangin
A new course on Information systems starting spring 2025 semester
Since 2025 : Teching tutorials and labs
Advanced Python Programming - PAPY
Duration : 32h
Lead Teacher: Lucas Lestandi
Goal: Ensure students have necessary skills to interact with advanced ML libraries as well as develop their own python packages following good programming principles and relying on suitable libraries.
Since 2022 : Course leader, teaching labs, tutorial and lectures
FastTrack program
A 1 year program for international students joining ECN engineering curiculum after completing a bachelor of science in their country.
Duration : 24h
Lead Teacher: Lucas Lestandi
Goal: Understand the basics of databases (DB) construction with relational modeling, be able to create and interact with SQL driven DB and introduction to modern distributed DB architectures (noSQL).
Since 2022 : Course leader, teaching labs, tutorial and lectures
BBA Big Data & Management
The BBA Big Data & Management is a four-year bachelor programme combining Management and Engineering. This program is held at both Centrale Nantes and Audencia (management school). All courses are tought in english
Duration : 24h
Lead Teacher: Lucas Lestandi
Goal: Understand the basics of databases (DB) construction with relational modeling, be able to create and interact with SQL driven DB and introduction to modern distributed DB architectures (noSQL).
Since 2022 : Course creation, Course leader, teaching labs, tutorial and lectures
Data visualization
Duration: 24h
Lead Teacher: Lucas Lestandi
Introductory course on datavisualization. Student learn how to analyze and explore data with visualization tools. They also learn how to communicate efficiently their findings with a set of good practices for designing graphs and learn how to using python tools to do so.
Since 2022 : Course creation, course leader, teaching labs, tutorial and lectures